
  • Kateryna Duda TNMU them. AND I. Gorbachevsky
  • Oksana Lebid TNMU them. AND I. Gorbachevsky



caries, teeth, children, prevalence, intensity


The article presents the results of a survey of 203 students aged 12 years, including 111 boys and 92 girls (54% and 46%), as well as 41 children from the boarding school in Stryy, including 19 boys and 22 girls (46% and 54 %). The analysis of the results


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How to Cite

Дуда, Е., & Лебедь, О. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE PREVALENCE OF DENTAL DISEASES AMONG CHILDREN AGED 12 YEARS. SWorldJournal, 1(10-01), 122–125.


